.. Text
- (CIC)Customer Interaction Center
- (CIS)Customer Interaction System
- A
- Abrechnungs-Modelle
- Activity Codes
- Adherence to Schedule
- Advanced Speech Recognition
- After Call Work (ACW)
- Agent
- Agent Group
- Agent Out Call
- Akronym
- Aktionszeitraum
- Akustik im Call Center
- All Trunks Busy (ATB)
- Analog
- Announcement
- Answer wait time
- Answered Call
- Arbeitgeberverband
- Arbeitsstättenverordnung (ArbStättVO)
- Atomated Attendant
- Attachment
- Ausgehender Anruf
- Auslastung
- Auto Greeting
- Auto Responder
- Auto Wrap-Up
- Automatic Call Distributor
- Automatic Call Sequencers ACS
- Automatic Number Identification
- Auxiliary Workstates
- Availability
- Available
- Available Time
- Average Delay
- Average Delay of Delayed Calls
- Average Handle Time (AHT)
- Average Holding Time on Trunks (AHT)
- Average Number of Agents
- Average Speed of Answer (ASA)
- Average Time to Abandonement
- B
- Back-Office
- Backbone
- Balanced Scorecard
- Base Staff
- Begriff
- Benchmarking
- Binaural
- Blended Agent
- Blocked Call
- Bodies in seats
- Branch Skripting
- Brutto-Kontakte
- Burn-Out
- Busy other state
- C
- Call Back Button
- Call Blending
- Call Center
- Call Center Agent (IHK)
- Call Center Aufgaben
- Call Center Berufe
- Call Center College e.V.
- Call Forcing
- Call Load
- Call Monitoring
- Call Screening
- Call Type
- Call-by-Call –Routing
- Call-Center Branchen
- Call-Center Controlling
- Call-Center Directory
- Call-Center Kosten
- Call-Center Leiter / Manager
- Call-Center Software
- Call-me Button
- Calling Line Identity
- Calls in Queue
- Case Based Reasoning (CBR)
- Cold Call
- Communication Center
- Communicator
- Compliance
- Computer Aided Selling
- Computer Telefone Integration (CTI)
- Conditional Routing
- Conference Call
- Cost per Gesprächsdauer
- Cost per Order (CpO)
- Customer Care Center (CCC)
- Customer Contact
- Customer Interaction Center
- Customer Interaction System
- Customer Relation Management (CRM)
- Customer Service Center
- D
- Data Directed Routing
- Database Call Handling
- Datenkompression
- Datenschutz
- Dealy
- Digital
- Direct Call Processing
- Direct Response TV (DRTV)
- Dokumenten-Management-Software
- Domain
- Dynamic Answer
- E
- Einwandbehandlung
- Electronic Commerce
- Enterprise Ressource Planning (ERP)
- Erlang
- Expectet Wait Time
- Explorer
- F
- Fachliteratur
- Fast Clear Down
- Fault-tolerant architecture
- Fax-/E-Mail-to-Speech
- Fax-Broadcasting
- Fax-on-Demand
- Fax-Polling mit Sprachunterstützung
- Fax-Polling ohne Sprachunterstützung
- Fax-Receive
- Fax-to-E-Mail
- Firewall
- First Call Solution Rate
- First-Party-Telefonie
- Flushing out the Queue
- Follow-up
- Following-the-Sun-Prinzip
- Forecast
- Foreign Exchange (FX)
- Forum Call Center Praxis
- Freecall
- Freitexterkennung
- Frequently Answered Questions (FAQ)
- Front-Office
- Front-Office-Automation-Software
- Full-time equivalent (FTE)
- G
- Gateway
- Gehaltsstudien
- Golden Number
- Grade of Service
- H
- Half-hour Interval
- Handled Calls
- Handling Time
- Headset
- Help Desk
- Hills B
- Historical Reports
- Hold
- Holding Time
- Home Agent
- Homepage
- Host
- Hotkey
- http
- Hyperlink
- I
- Imaging
- Inbound
- Incremental Revenue Analysis
- Information Provider
- Inhouse Call-Center
- Intelligent Call Processing
- Intelligent Overflow
- Interactive Fax
- Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
- Interflow
- Internal Help Desk
- Internet-Adresse
- Internet-Telefonie
- Intraflow
- Intranet
- J
- Java
- K
- Kaltanruf/Kaltaquise
- Kapzitätsplanung
- Kill Message
- Knowledge base
- Kontaktmanagement
- Kunde
- Kundenbarometer
- Kundenbindung
- Kundendienst
- Kundenzufriedenheit
- L
- LAN (Local Area Network)
- Last Agent Routing
- Least Cost Routing (LCR)
- Lettershop
- Lifo
- Link
- Live-Operator
- Logged In / On
- Longest Available Agent
- Longest Call Waiting
- Longest Delay
- Look Ahead Queing
- Look Back Queing
- Lost Call
- M
- Marktstudien
- Meet me on the Web
- Mehrfrequenzwahlverfahren
- Mehrwertdienst
- Messen und Konferenzen
- Middleware
- Mithören
- Mix Mode Verfahren
- Modem
- Monitoring
- Multichannel Marketing
- Multilingual Agent
- Multimedia
- Mystery Calls
- N
- Nachbearbeitungszeit
- Netscape Navigator
- Nettokontakte
- Network Controll Center (NCC)
- Network Interflow
- Next Available Agent
- Noise Cancelling Headset
- Non ACD In-Calls
- O
- Occupancy
- Off-Peak
- Offered Calls
- Open Ticket
- Outbound
- Overflow
- P
- Pageimpression
- Peak
- Peaked Call Arrival
- PEP-Software
- Personalauswahl
- Personaleinsatzplan
- Poisson
- Post Call Processing
- Power Dialing
- Predictive Dialing
- Premium Rate Service
- Private Branch Exchange (PBX)
- Private Network
- Produkttraining
- Profit Center
- Projektmanagement eines Call Centers
- Public Switched Telephone Network
- Q
- Qualitätssicherung
- Quantitative Forecast
- Queue
- Queue Display
- Queue Time
- R
- Random Call Arrival
- Readerboard
- Real-Time-Data
- Real-Time-Management
- Received Calls
- Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen
- Recorded-Announcement-Route (RAN)
- Relationship-Routing
- Response time
- Retrail
- Retrail Tables
- Robinson-Liste
- Rostered Staff Factor (RSF)
- Round Robin Distribution
- Routing
- Rufnummern
- Räuspererkennung
- S
- Sales Force Automation (SFA)
- Sales Tech
- Screen Monitoring
- Screen Pop
- Screen Refresh
- Seated Agents
- Service Bureau
- Service Level
- Service Level Agreement
- Servicegrad
- Shared Cost Dienst
- Shrink Factor
- Skill
- Skills Based Routing
- Skills Group
- Skript
- Software für Call-Center
- Sound Masking Systems
- Speech-Recognition
- Speech-to-Text
- Sprachcomputer
- Sprachenergieerkennung
- Spracherkennung
- Sprechzeit
- Standort
- Supervisor
- Swinging Agent
- T
- T-1
- Talk Time
- Team Leader
- Teamleiter
- Telearbeit
- Telecommuting
- Teleconnect Magazine
- Telefax
- Telefon
- Telefonmehrwertdienst
- Telefonskript
- Telekommunikationsanlage (TK~)
- Telekopierer
- Telemarketing
- Telephone Application Programming Interface (TAPI)
- Telephone Service Application Programming Interface (TSAPI)
- Telephonie
- Teleselling
- Teleservice-Center
- TeleTalk
- Text-Chat
- Text-to-Speech (TTS)
- Third-Party-Telehpony
- Tie Line
- TK-Anlage
- Toll-Free-Service
- Touch Tone
- Touch-Screen
- Trunk
- U
- Unified Messaging
- Uniform Call Distributor (UCD)
- Uniform Resource Locator
- Universal Agent
- Universal International Freephone Service (UIFS)
- Upgrade
- Upselling
- Urgent Numbers
- V
- Vanity Number
- Verbände
- Verloren gegangener Anruf
- Virtual Call-Center
- Visible Queue
- Visit
- Voice Mail
- Voice Processing
- Voice Response Unit (VRU)
- W
- Wait Tolerance Rate
- Warteschleife
- Web
- Web Page Synchronisation
- Web-Agent
- Wide Area Network (WAN)
- Wissensdatenbanken
- Word-Spotting
- Workflow
- World Wide Web
- Wrap-up
- X
- Y
- Z
- Überlauf